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7 best practices for organizing productive meetings

Many companies schedule more meetings than is truly necessary, resulting in wasting time for many team members. However, the goal should not be to just reduce the number of

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What exactly is an audit trail and what electronic evidence does it contain?

What exactly is an audit trail and what electronic evidence does it contain?

What exactly is an audit trail and what electronic evidence does it contain? When carrying out any digital transaction, what guarantees have the involved parties regarding

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Electronic signature

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The Electronic Signature Law: Is it legal in the European Union? 

Is the electronic signature legal? This is the first question that many people ask us when we explain that at Signaturit we have developed an electronic signature solution. 

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8 essential processes and tools for any compliance officer

Nowadays, Fintech are not the only type of companies facing the kind of legal risks that may stunt their growth. Indeed, any company regardless of its size must comply with a

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Top 10 ways to be a great team leader

Team leaders need a set of skills and abilities that not every manager or boss has. Nevertheless, anyone can become a good team leader. In this post we share 10 practical tips

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Human Resources

Medical informed consent: can you obtain it with an electronic signature?

Medical informed consent: can you obtain it with an electronic signature?

The informed consent for medical treatment and its digitalisation is one of the challenges that the healthcare sector faces within their own digital transformation. All the

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Smart contracts: what are they?

Smart Contracts promise to revolutionize the legal world. Thanks to these computer applications, which automatically run when the conditions programmed in its code are met, it

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Electronic signature

The SEPA mandate: how to obtain signatures in a flexible manner?

The SEPA mandate has been a reality in the Euro Zone since 2014, with the adoption of the Single Euro Payments Area, which has allowed payments with debit and credit cards, bank

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Electronic signature

7 benefits of the electronic signature for HR departments

Among the benefits that the electronic signature brings to HR departments, the main common goal when using this tool is to facilitate the relationship between the company and its

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Human Resources

Electronic signature

What exactly is an audit trail and what electronic evidence does it contain?

When carrying out any digital transaction, what guarantees have the involved parties regarding the legality and integrity of the information transmitted? This issue continues to

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How can we improve customer experience with electronic signatures?

Whether it is B2B or B2C sales, online or physically in a store, electronic signatures are a real asset for improving customer experience. In fact, by offering a customer the

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How to sell more with the electronic signature?

How to sell more? How long does the sales process take a company from the start until the final signing of the contract? What tools can speed up the closing of commercial deals?

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Electronic signature