

What exactly is an audit trail and what electronic evidence does it contain?

What exactly is an audit trail and what electronic evidence does it contain?

What exactly is an audit trail and what electronic evidence does it contain? When carrying out any digital transaction, what guarantees have the involved parties regarding

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Electronic signature

Smart contracts: what are they?

Smart contracts: what are they?

Smart Contracts promise to revolutionize the legal world. Thanks to these computer applications, which automatically run when the conditions programmed in its code are met, it

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Electronic signature

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Certified electronic signatures, advanced electronic signatures and qualified electronic signatures: how are they different?

Although there are different options for electronic signatures for both natural and legal persons, each of these signatures has unique characteristics and different levels of

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Electronic signature

Electronic evidence and its admissibility in court

These days, the admissibility of electronic evidence in any jurisdiction is increasingly more common: comments in social media, video recordings, instant messaging, certified

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Electronic signature

What is the advanced electronic signature?

What is the advanced electronic signature? This is a question being asked by more and more companies that use the Internet as an indispensable and ideal tool for the provision of

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Electronic signature

What is a qualified electronic time stamp?

The qualified electronic time stamp is the result of the digital business transformation, capable of promoting the substitution of paper-based processes for their electronic

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Time Stamp

What is a qualified electronic signature?

A qualified electronic signature (or eSignature) is an innovative tool that allows you to sign documents with high-security assurances, making them valid in all European Union

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Electronic signature

What is a certified email?

Certified email services combine the speed, convenience, and simplicity of email with the legal security provided by traditional registered mail. It is, without a doubt, a

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Certified Communications

The legal validity of contracts signed with advanced electronic signatures

Contracts signed with the advanced electronic signature have legal validity. Given that in some cases doubts arise to the truth of this statement, due to the mere fact that a

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Electronic signature

The timestamp and its relationship with the electronic signature

A timestamp is a mechanism that allows to prove the integrity of a series of data. That means it demonstrates that this data existed in a specific moment, and has not been altered

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Time Stamp

Registered email: irrefutable evidence in a judicial case

Electronic communication via email the form of communication most common today among companies. It is a fact that every company sends a high number of emails daily with

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Certified Communications

GDPR: Who are its key players?

The new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) broadens the obligations of those who are responsible for and in charge of data processing, the rights of the interested

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