Facility services

Reduce paperwork and digitize your processes

Our clients

Brands that have chosen Signaturit

Manage your paperwork 100% digitally. 

Reduce paperwork and digitise your processes

Implement digitalisation with our solutions to make your processes more efficient, flexible, sustainable and secure. Our solutions range from electronic signatures to notifications and digital certificates, among others. 

Promptness and effectiveness in the signing of employment contracts

Facilitate a smoother workflow for your employees with our digital signatures and electronic certificates. These tools are securely and legally accessible from anywhere at any time. The benefits include significant time savings, a reduction in paper use and eliminating the need for travel culminating in heightened efficiency. 


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Automation of labour management processes

Our solutions enhance processes related to staff recruitment, managing onboarding and offboarding of employees and times when there is a high rotation of employees. We integrate electronic signatures offering advanced options like biometrics and digital certificates and support certified emails or SMS. In addition, you will have digitised employment records at your fingertips, available whenever you need them. 



Superior legal protection and data protection

Ensure increased legal protection in case of disputes and minimise the risk of unauthorised access to personal data by individuals outside your department. Digitised information offers enhanced security compared to traditional paper documents. 

This not only provides robust legal protection in disputes but also reduces the risk of unauthorised access to personal data. Digitally stored information is more secure than paper documents. 

"Mi solicitud fue atendida muy rápidamente. Realmente se agradece tanta prontitud, ya que estábamos pasando por momentos estresantes y temíamos no poder firmar a tiempo para la venta. Así que aquí estamos, ¡tranquilos! Muy buen servicio."

"Signaturit nos hace más eficientes, ahorrado tiempo en nuestros procesos de gestión de personas a la vez que nos da seguridad jurídica en los mismos. Así mismo, mediante el uso de signaturit potenciamos nuestra política de cero papel que es uno de los componentes de nuestra RSC"

Alejandra Sainz Sánchez-Capuchino

Técnico senior RRLL de Ouigo

Datos Reales

En las empresas de facility services el 82% de los contratos enviados con Signaturit se firman el mismo día.


Nuestras soluciones para Facility Services

Electronic signatures - with biometrics or digital certificate

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Certified Email

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Certificate Manager

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Remote video identification

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Simple Digital Signature

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External Registration Authority

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Notification Manager

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Easy integration with any CRM or ERP

Discover our API

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