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Human Resources

Top 10 ways to be a great team leader

Team leaders need a set of skills and abilities that not every manager or boss has. Nevertheless, anyone can become a good team leader. In this post we share 10 practical tips

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Human Resources

7 benefits of the electronic signature for HR departments

7 benefits of the electronic signature for HR departments

Among the benefits that the electronic signature brings to HR departments, the main common goal when using this tool is to facilitate the relationship between the company and its

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Human Resources

Electronic signature

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The top 7 skills you will need for the job of the future

Backend developer, systems architect, expert in cybersecurity or in artificial intelligence are all common professions in today’s world; however, not even ten years ago, hardly

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Human Resources

How can HR Departments improve their company’s efficiency?

One of the main challenges within any company, and a task still pending in many HR departments, is establishing practices that favor the good use of time and resources in the

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Human Resources

Electronic signature

How will the Fourth Industrial Revolution affect HR?

Despite having been coined relatively recently, the concept of the fourth industrial revolution is accepted as a real and irreversible phenomenon set to profoundly change all

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Human Resources

Holacracy: is it really a hierarchical structure without bosses?

The decision of U.S. multinational footwear distributor Zappos to abolish its pyramidal structure in 2013 and establish a new system “without bosses or flowcharts”

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Human Resources

How to address difficult conversations with employees?

Addressing difficult conversations with employees is one of the worst tasks at a job. For many directors, managers and team leaders talking about issues such as tardiness, poor

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Human Resources