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Ivnosys Solutions: Qualified Trust service provider

IVNOSYS SOLUCIONES, S.L.U. is a company operating as a Qualified Trust Service Provider under Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC.

The reason for drafting this eIDAS Regulation was none other than to build a single digital market that would increase the trust and security of citizens, companies and states with respect to digital services, thus adjusting the regulatory framework to the current technological reality.

To achieve this goal and remove barriers to e-commerce and all types of electronic transactions, eIDAS defines in its Art. 3 What is a trust service provider?: “A natural or legal person that provides one or more trust services, either as a qualified or unqualified trust service provider”.

Ivnosys is a company recognised as a Qualified Trusted Electronic Services Provider by the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, the supervisory body responsible for verifying that trusted service providers meet the parameters and requirements set by the EU.

On this page you can find the policies and practices of Ivnosys Soluciones Trusted Services in relation to Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services in electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS), as well as the rest of documentation and information applicable to each service.

1. IvSign Global CA: Qualified Certificate Issuance Service for Qualified Signatures and E-Stamps

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Revocation service

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Root Certificate

IvSign Root CA Certification Hierarchy Root Certificate. The keys associated with this certificate will be used to issue IvSign Root CA Intermediate CA certificates, CRLs and OCSP responses.
Copy the address of the CRLs and insert them into your browser to download the files.

Download URL

CA Intermediate

Download URL

IvSign Global CA CRL (Certificate Revocation List)

Certificate Revocation List (CRL). IvSign Global CA offers redundant certificate status query in two directions. Copy the address of the CRLs and insert them into your browser to download the files.


IvSign Global CA OCSP

Additionally, the status of the certificates can be consulted through an OCSP service accessible from:

Download OCSP Responder Certificate

IvSign Root CA CRL (Certificate Revocation List)

Certificate Revocation List (CRL). IvSign Root CA provides two-way redundant querying of the status of intermediate CA certificates. Copie la dirección de las CRL e insértelas en su navegador para descargar los archivos CRL 1 Root: CRL 2 Root:

IvSign Root CA OCSP

Additionally, the status of the certificates can be consulted via an OCSP service at the address “”.

Download OCSP Responder Certificate

OCSP Reply: CN = OCSP Reply IvSign Root CA, OU = TRUST SERVICES, = VATES-B98333362, O = IVNOSYS SOLUCIONES S.L.U., S = VALENCIA, C = ES | Additionally, the status of certificates can be consulted via an OCSP service.

Download (CRT, 3 KB)

Please contact Signaturit for more information.

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When should a certificate be revoked?

The revocation of a certificate should occur when any change in the status of a certificate means its loss of validity before its expiration date. The possible reasons for revocation are:

  1. Request of the Holder itself or of the Subscriber Entity with which the Holder has a corporate or legal or voluntary representation relationship.
  2. Incorrect data.
  3. Request of the Holder itself or of the Subscriber Entity with which the Holder has a corporate or legal or voluntary representation relationship.
  4. Compromise of the password (theft, loss…)..
  5. Loss of control of the password activation data (PIN).
  6. Other causes contemplated in the CPS.

Who can request the revocation of a certificate?

  1. The holder.
  2. The Entity/Organization (through a representative of the same).
  3. The Registration Authority (RA) or the Certification Authority (CA) if it knows or suspects that the private key of the Holder has been compromised or knows or suspects any other event that advises it.
  4. Third parties or interested parties that accredit any circumstance that could lead to revocation (final decision of the Provider or the RA).

How to request the revocation of a certificate?

  1. By sending an email to [email protected] attaching the Revocation Request FORM and following the instructions specified in the FORM.
  2. In person at the external Registration Authority or the RA of the Provider.

The revocation will be carried out within 24 hours from the communication as long as it has been authenticated and an email will be sent to the Holder communicating the time of suspension and the reason for it.

Download revocation request form

2. IVSIGN CA: Qualified Service for Issuing Qualified Digital Signature Certificates

Users of the service and third parties are informed that IvSign CA will cease its activity on April 20, 2023. Such cessation will not have any implication for customers, nor will it imply the performance of any type of action. This text is for information purposes only as required by law. After the effective termination you can find on this site the legally required information (last published CRL) and the Provider will keep during the legal term stipulated by the Law 6/2020, all the necessary information and/or records. For any questions please write to [email protected]. We will continue to offer the same qualified certificate issuance services from “IvSign Global CA”, our new Certification Authority.

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Version History

3. IvSign: Certificate Centralisation Service (Remote Signature)

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4. IvSign TSA: Electronic Time Stamp Issuance Service

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Please contact Signaturit for more information.

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Please contact Signaturit for more information.

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5. ERDS: Electronic Registered Delivery Service

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6. Other Services

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Version History

Please contact Signaturit for more information.

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Please contact Signaturit for more information.

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